Wednesday, June 1, 2016

John 10

"He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out."  John 10:3b

In Biblical times a group of eastern shepherds would keep small flocks of sheep together in one fold or sheep pen during the nighttime hours.  They would do this for the common protection of their sheep. This sheep pen was a type of court area surrounded by walls and open to the sky. The sheep pen had only one entrance, and it served to keep the sheep from wandering or being harmed by wild animals. When the shepherd returned in the morning for the sheep the sheep would recognize and listen for the shepherd's voice.  They would follow the shepherd, because they recognized and trusted the shepherd.

John 10:3b-5 tells us that the shepherd "calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.  When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice.  But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger's voice."

Jesus is our Shepherd, and we are His sheep.  He calls and knows each of us, His sheep, by name! He knows everything about us and has planned our entire lives!  In fact, in Jeremiah 1:5 God tells us, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart." Before we were a speck in our mother's bodies, Jesus, our Shepherd, knew us and had set us apart to be His chosen sheep!

Jesus, our Shepherd, also leads us, His sheep; and we must follow.  He goes on ahead of us and paves the path for us.  He protects us from lurking dangers and wisely leads us to safe pastures. We do not always understand why we have to endure certain difficult circumstances in our lives, but we must also trust our Lord's leading.  He is infinitely wiser than you and I.  Our job is to simply follow Him in trust and obedience.  Jesus Christ, our Shepherd, can be fully trusted. Running after pleasures that the world offers is like following false or pseudo shepherds. Following or running after anything or anyone but the Lord will only lead to distractions and destruction.

John 10:10b tells us however, that our Good Shepherd has come that we "may have life, and have it to the full."  The Lord Jesus Christ, our Shepherd, is the only way to joy and peace.  He alone can make our lives beautiful for Him.  He alone can shape our lives into lives which are pleasing and honoring to Him.  He is also the only way to eternal life.  Jesus said in John 10:11, "I am the Good Shepherd.  The Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep."  Only because of Jesus Christ's sacrifice on the cross can we be forgiven of our sins and experience the joy of being His sheep forever.  He is also our gate into an eternal relationship with Him!

Some of the religious leaders of Jesus' day expressed contempt and rejection of Jesus.  In response, Jesus simply reiterated the fact that that He was the Good Shepherd.  Jesus said in John 10:27-28, "My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow Me.  I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of My hand."  We must listen to the voice of Jesus Christ, our Shepherd.  We must follow Him in trust and obedience.  He knows us better than we understand ourselves, and He will meet our every need.  Our Shepherd gives us eternal life through His sacrifice on the cross.  We are not only saved from sin's consequences, but we are saved for a joyful love relationship with Him.  We are saved to bring glory and honor to the Lord, our Shepherd. We are eternally secure in the Good Shepherd's love! Praise His name!

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