Wednesday, August 31, 2016

John 21

The disciples had just witnessed the crucifixion and death of our Lord Jesus.  They had also heard about the resurrection appearance of Jesus to Mary Magdalene, and the Lord Jesus had appeared twice to the disciples themselves.  The disciples were now together at the Sea of Galilee or also known as the Sea of Tiberias.  The disciples perhaps did not fully comprehend what had happened in the last few days.  Peter impulsively said in John 21:3, "I'm going out to fish."  The other disciples decided to join Peter.  Peter was not only forgetting his call to follow Jesus and be a fisher of men, but he was also causing the other disciples to forget their spiritual calling also.

The disciples eagerly cast their nets, but they did not catch even one fish that night.  Early the next morning Jesus was standing on the shore.  Jesus called out to the disciples in John 21:5, "Friends, haven't you any fish?"  Jesus Christ is God Himself, and He knows all things.  He knew that they hadn't caught any fish the night before.  Jesus was asking them this question to point out their own insufficiency.  Their efforts at fishing had not been directed by the Lord.  Lack of success and disappointment had followed their self-willed and self-directed efforts.

Then the Lord said in John 21:6, "Throw your net on the right side of the boat."  When the disciples followed the Lord's direction in obedience, John 21:6b tells us that "they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish."  Obedience brought blessing for the disciples.  Obedience to the Lord will bring  us blessings also.  These blessings may not necessarily be physical blessings, but when we obey we will always experience the blessing of the Lord in our lives.  When we try to live our lives in our own strength we will fail.  When we allow our lives to be directed by the Lord we experience God's best for our lives, and our lives will only then be productive for God's Kingdom.

After the disciples landed on shore, the disciples saw that the Lord Jesus already had a fire going with some fish cooking.  Jesus said to His disciples in John 21:12, "Come and have breakfast."  Jesus was providing for the disciples' physical needs.  The Lord had also provided for their spiritual needs by dying on the cross for their sins.  The Lord would further provide for them spiritually by sending His Holy Spirit into their hearts and lives, so that they could live abundant and productive lives for the Lord.

The Lord Jesus also daily provides for our physical needs.  What is more important the Lord also provides for our spiritual needs.  We must continue to feed our souls with the spiritual food of His Holy Word.  We must continue to nourish our personal love relationship with the Lord.  The Lord wants us to be diligent about nourishing our spiritual lives as well as our physical lives.  The Lord wants us to grow and flourish spiritually.

After finishing their meal which Jesus had prepared for them Jesus said to Peter in John 21:15, "Simon, son of John, do you truly love Me more than these?"  Jesus was asking Peter whether he loved the Lord more than anyone or anything else in his life.  The Lord asks the same of us today.  Does our love and passion for the Lord eclipse our love for earthly things, earthly security, and earthly relationships?  Does our love and passion for Christ eclipse our own lives?  Our love and passion for Christ must involve our whole being.  Peter would not go back to his old life.  Peter's new life now centered in Christ and in service to Him.  So we too must live radically changed lives in service to the Lord.  The Lord died for us and purchased our salvation.  How can we do anything less than live our lives in service and gratitude to Him?  How can we do anything less than passionately offer our "bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God." (Romans 12:1)

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