Thursday, May 26, 2016

John 1

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was with God in the beginning."  John 1:1-2
"Yet to all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become the children of God."  John 1:12

Jesus Christ is called "the Word" in John chapter one.  Jesus, "the Word," was with God the Father from the beginning.  Jesus Christ is the Son of God.  Jesus Christ is God Himself. Through Jesus Christ, the Son of God, all creation came into existence.

Jesus Christ, the creator of the universe and who is God Himself, is also our Savior!  Jesus Christ is the source of our salvation from sin and the source of our right standing before God. John 1:14 says, "The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us."  Jesus Christ totally identified with us. Jesus Christ as God and man came to this earth and lived a perfect life for us that we could not live.  He then died on the cross to pay the just punishment for our sins!  John 1:29b says that Jesus Christ is the "the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!" Now because of Christ's sacrifice on the cross John 1:12 tells us that "all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God."  What grace! What awesome love!

Jesus Christ is the source of abundant life, spiritual light, and truth.  As His children He has worked in our hearts through His Holy Spirit.  John 1:14b tells us, "We have seen His glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth."  Jesus Christ is our source of truth and wisdom.  The world's philosophies will never lead us to true wisdom and truth. Only Jesus is the perfect revelation of God the Father to us. Only Jesus is the source of truth, wisdom, and light.  The Lord is also the source of abundant blessing.  John 1:16 states, "From the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another."  From Jesus Christ we not only received the blessing of salvation, but we also receive bountiful blessings.

In gratitude for what Jesus, the Son of God, did for us on the cross and in gratitude for His daily blessings in our lives we must point others to the Lord Jesus.  John the Baptist pointed people to the Savior.  John said in John 1:34, "I have seen and I testify that this is the the Son of God." Then John said in John 1:36b, "Look, the Lamb of God!"

In verses of forty-one and forty-two Andrew also pointed his brother, Peter, to the Savior.  We do not read much about Andrew in the Bible.  He was perhaps not a spectacular person.  Christ must have been very real to Andrew, however, because Andrew was involved in leading his brother, Peter, to the Lord.  This was significant, because Peter later became a prominent apostle in the the church of Jesus Christ.  Peter also wrote two of the Epistles in the New Testament.  This would never have happened, if Andrew had not allowed God to use him in pointing Peter to the Savior!  Philip also pointed Nathanael to the Savior in John chapter one verse forty-five.

So we too must do all we can to point others to the Lord Jesus and His awesome salvation.  In God's providence the person we lead to the Savior might someday be used in a powerful way for the cause of Christ and His kingdom.  May others see Christ in us, as we seek to live our lives for Him!  

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