Monday, November 23, 2015

Matthew 5:1-12 Part Two

(I am posting this week's blog post earlier in the week this week, because I will be away from my computer for a few days this week, Lord willing.  Next week's post will hopefully be on December 3.  Be sure to read last week's post on the Beatitudes as well.)

The word "blessed" in the Bible means joyful.  Blessed or joyful are those who are serving the Lord and walking in His paths.  Blessed and joyful are those who are showing Christ-like attitudes in their characters.

Jesus says to us, "Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy." (Matthew 5:7)  Joyful are those people who show kindness and concern for others.  God will show His mercy back to them. Merciful people are unselfish and try to help others in every possible way.  They are willing to forgive others.  Mercy is shown in kind deeds and in humble and patient attitudes.  Mercy is shown in concern for other people's physical and spiritual needs.  Merciful people are able to be merciful to others, because God has shown mercy to them.  God sent His own Son, Jesus, to redeem them from their sins.  Hence, they have a desire to show mercy to others.  In the measure they show mercy to others, God will show even more mercy to them!

Jesus says to us, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God." (Matthew 5:8)  Joyful are those who are one hundred percent sold out for the Lord, "for they will see God."  They will see and understand God's glory and His love.  They will experience the joy of a deep fellowship with the Lord.  Those who are "pure in heart" seek to be holy, and they deeply desire to serve God alone in their lives.  They understand that the Lord has cleansed them from their sins by His grace, and they now want to live for Him.  They want to serve the Lord with their whole heart, soul, and mind. Those who desire to be "pure in heart" know they are dependent on the Holy Spirit's help.  They also seek to immerse themselves in God's Word and in prayer.  Such people truly "see God" and experience the joys of belonging to the Lord!

Jesus says to us, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God." (Matthew 5:9) Joyful are those who are living holy and righteous lives and who are telling others about Jesus.  They will be called God's children in His forever kingdom!  Peacemakers have themselves made peace with God.  Their sins are forgiven, and the Holy Spirit helps them each day in their struggle against sin.  Peacemakers also seek to lead others to make peace with God. They do this with their words and with their humble Christ-like attitudes in their lives.  Finally, peacemakers seek to maintain peace with others; and they seek to help others make peace with their fellow human beings.  Peacemakers understand that Jesus is the only source of peace. They understand that Jesus died to give us peace.

Jesus says to us, "Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 5:10)  Joyful are those people who are mistreated, ridiculed, criticized, rejected, or treated even worse; because they are living for God.  They can be joyful in even these circumstances, because such people are part of God's forever kingdom!  God says to those people who are willing to suffer for Him, "Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven," (Matthew 5:12a)

Joyful are those people who seek to live for the Lord's glory and reflect His character in their lives. Joy is not found in worldly possessions of fame.  Joy is found only in a personal relationship with the Lord.  Joy is found in becoming more and more like Jesus in our attitudes and characters.  May this be our passion and desire!

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