Thursday, October 29, 2015

Matthew 3:1-12

"Produce fruit in keeping with repentance."  Matthew 3:8

In our world today which emphasizes a "You're okay and I'm okay" mentality, sin and repentance is not a popular topic.  God's Holy Word is the final source of truth, however, and it tells us that we are desperate sinners in the need of God's grace.  It also tells us that we need to turn from our sins to repentance.

In our Scripture passage today John the Baptist was preaching in the desert.  It was John the Baptist's job to prepare the way for the soon coming Messiah, Jesus Christ.  John's message was "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near."  (Matthew 3:2)  Many people came out to John the Baptist in the desert.  These people came to John confessing their sins, and they came with a repentant heart.

There were two groups of people who came out to John the Baptist in the desert, however, who did not have a repentant heart.  These two groups of people were called the Pharisees and the Sadducees. The Pharisees were legalistic and religious leaders who thought they could earn their own way into God's favor.  They also felt that they had a good standing with God, because they were part of the established religious order of the day.

The Sadducees were a more politically minded and worldly group.  Both groups were smug and content in their own self-will, self-efforts, and self-importance. Neither group saw their own sins, and the need for repentance from their sins.  John the Baptist perceived that the Pharisees and Sadducees had unrepentant hearts.  John said to them, "You brood of vipers!  Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath?  Produce fruit in keeping with repentance." (Matthew 3:7b-8)  In effect John was saying "Turn from your sins, and show by your lives that you are truly repentant!"

We also must show repentance from sin in our lives.  Repentance from our sins involves turning from sin and going in the opposite direction in our lives.  True repentance involves a change in our hearts which in turn results in changed lives.  Repentance involves deep sorrow for our sins. True repentance also involves turning our lives around and following God's paths and will for our lives. We must show in our lives that we belong to the Lord.  Our life styles must match our professions. We must truly show the fruit of God's Holy Spirit in our lives.  Our lives must exhibit "fruit in keeping with repentance."  (Matthew 3:8)

John the Baptist warned the Pharisees and Sadducees in Matthew 3:9-10 about the need for repentance.  Their status as religious leaders and descendants of the Old Testament saint, Abraham, did not automatically entitle them to God's favor.  The only basis for salvation is the atoning sacrifice of Christ on the cross.  The only basis for our salvation is our throwing ourselves at the feet of the Lord and relying on His grace.  We need to turn from our sins in repentance and turn to the Lord.

Church membership and the fact that our parents were Christians will not bring us favor with God. Our own perceived "good works" certainly will not win us favor with God.  Only if we see the depths of and depravity of our sins and sorrowfully run to the Lord in repentance can we experience favor with the Lord.  Only when we turn our lives around and go down the Lord's path can we experience the Lord's eternal favor and blessings.  This life is not about portraying an image like the Pharisees and Sadducees tried to do.  It is about daily turning from our sins in repentance and living a life that is consistent with the will of God.  Is our lives producing "fruit in keeping with repentance?" (Matthew 3:8)  May this be our passion and desire!

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